Learning Outcomes (Task 4)
To identify the methods of distribution of your film.
To identify the ways in which your film is promoted.
To understand how media products are distributed and promoted.
For example:
a) retail outlets, television networks, cinemas, radio stations, internet, local, regional, national, international, accessibility
Technological Convergence and how media is distributed
Distribution - Two definitions:
1) How the product reaches the audience.
2. How it is advertised and promoted.
Cinemas, Television, Internet, Retail (i.e. DVD and Blu-ray), Download.
- Cinemas at highest quality the facilities provide.
- Television and it depends on the size of the television the person has. (Scheduled programmes)
- Internet can allow people to stream content.
- Pay per view i.e. Netflix and YouTube
- On Demand i.e. Sky, TalkTalk, Virgin Media
Analogue Methods: Old Media
Digital Methods: New Media
Technological Convergence:
When technology come together and this provides a new service for the audience.
Digital Native: A person of a generation who has grown up with technology.
Sir Berners-Lee (1991) - The World Wide Web (www.)
ASCII - Text formatting.
Advertising and Promotion -
Marketing the film to create a maximum awareness to a specific target audience.
Methods of Advertising and Promotion:
Magazine/Newspaper ads (Paper based ads), Posters, Merchandise, Video advertisements, Collaborations/Joint projects, Promotional events i.e. Giveaways, Press, "From the creators of...", Radio advertisements, Reviews, Premieres, Trailers (Teaser and full length [Theatrical] trailers), Film Festival, In-store promotions, Product placement (A literal placement of a brand within media), Social Media,
(Richard Dyer 1975)
Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic: Film review sites. Started by Prosumers* (Consumers who became producers.)
David Gauntlett (2002) discussed the rise if Web 2.0; The internet was purely a static, one way form of communication and changed to a two way interactive medium.
UGC YouTube.
**[Turn this into a script]**
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