Friday, 24 October 2014

Film Theory

Stuart Hall (1980)
Every form of media has been produced to create a preferred reading.

Kate Domaille (2001)
Each film has been made on the basis of a narrative style from the 12 main narrative styles.

Tzvetan Todorov (1977)
Films follows a structure of Equilibrium-Disruption-Resolution. Not all films do not necessarily follow this structure.

Laura Mulvey (1975)
Male gaze - female are made to appear sexy and to get attention through their appearance.

John Berger (1972)
'men act, women appear' - The theory is that women are made to appear compared that to men who are their to appear as the main feature of media

Monday, 20 October 2014

Self Assessment

I will be working on the adding more theory, adding camera work and sound section.

Peer Assessment Vlog 2

Assessed by Hayley.

  • Explains everything in detail, straight to the point, no waffle.
  • Extend on your Mise en Scene section.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Aims for this lesson

Start and hopefully finish the vlog on premiere.
Edit the pictures in the vlog using effects and transitions.
Create a lesson review to what I have done so far/finished.